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Education Motivation Blood Donation Recognition শিক্ষা উদ্বুদ্ধকরণ রক্তদান স্বীকৃতি



Our Object:

To enrich the knowledge of the working blood donor motivators and social workers of different parts of the country and mutual sharing of experience & expertise



Today technological advancement, modernization and sophistication in blood banking sector alone could neither improve the quality of blood, nor could recruit healthy voluntary blood donors to maintain the service. It has been universally accepted that no blood transfusion service can ensure quality of blood without non-remunerated voluntary altruistic blood donors. Health planners and health authorities of this country have invested much time and money for donor counselling after the prospective donors reach the blood collection site, but have never thought of how the common people will be inducted at the camp site to donate blood voluntarily through due process of effective motivation. Nearly 4231 blood banks of India presently collect about 1,10,00,000 units of blood annually against an estimated annual requirement of 1,46,00,000 units out of which the voluntary collection is not more than 70%. This figure includes relative donations as voluntary donation. If these are segregated, the real voluntary collection from blood donation camp may not be even more than 50% which speaks of the basic area where improvement is yet very much needed. India is far behind the target of achieving total voluntary blood programme as announced by the World Health Organisation. Recruitment of genuine voluntary blood donors, which is an art based on science, is therefore, a demanding task. Various states and union territories are using various techniques to recruit donors as well as follow various standards of donor recruitment and have attained different levels of achievement. There is need to rationalise all these techniques and standards by exchanging ideas, sharing knowledge amongst the donor recruiting organisations, health authorities, blood bankers and technical experts in the field to develop strategies to make India self-sufficient with and self-dependent on total voluntary non-remunerated altruistic blood donors to ensure safe blood transfusion. Federation of Voluntary Blood Donors Organisations West Bengal will therefore, organise a National Summit of Motivators on Safe Blood Transfusion with International participation on January 23, 24 and 25, 2025 at Digha, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal for the furtherance of the blood donation movement and improvement in the blood transfusion service through sharing pooled knowledge of experts in the field from various states. Digha is a seaside resort town of West Bengal and is a beautiful place of attraction to the tourists. This National Summit is also dedicated to the memory of Sri Arunabha Chattopadhyay and Sri Debabrata Ray, the two legendary stalwarts of blood donation movement in West Bengal.


The main objectives of the meet are:

  • To evaluate the present status of blood donation and blood banking scenario in the country.
  • To exchange and share the pooled knowledge and experience of successful voluntary organisations in the field of blood donor motivation and recruitment.
  • To exchange and share the pooled knowledge and experience of experts in the field of blood transfusion service so as to improve quality in donor and blood banking to ensure safe blood transfusion.
  • To formulate strategies and techniques to achieve the target of total voluntary blood programme by the year 2030.


The main objectives of the meet are:

  • To evaluate the present status of blood donation and blood banking scenario in the country.
  • To exchange and share the pooled knowledge and experience of successful voluntary organisations in the field of blood donor motivation and recruitment.
  • To exchange and share the pooled knowledge and experience of experts in the field of blood transfusion service so as to improve quality in donor and blood banking to ensure safe blood transfusion.
  • To formulate strategies and techniques to achieve the target of total voluntary blood programme by the year 2030.


Nearly one hundred fifty invited participants, mainly from home and a few from abroad, will join the conference. The invitees will be from representatives of organisations engaged in the field of blood donor recruitment, eminent blood bankers, social workers and motivators in the field and government authorities. There is no scope of accompanying persons / exercises spouse and children in this three days in-house serious exercise. There is, however, no registration or delegation fee for the participants.


Formal Sessions

Inaugural Session, Keynote address, Valedictory Session.

  1. Recruitmen Retention of Safe Donor 
     Devising strategies for putting impetus on blood donation movement in the country in the present scenario to achieve total voluntary blood programme. Recruitment of donors of today and of tomorrow. Role of all stakeholders in the blood transfusion service. Digital technique in blood donor motivation and recruitment. Technology versus motivation. Art of organising blood donation camps. Modern Technology Latest developments in transfusion technology.  Technology of pheresis.  Virus and bacteria inactivation of blood products. Use of information technology and electronic documentation. Cord blood transfusion. Public stem cell bank. Transfusion related therapies – whole blood transfusion versus component therapy. Use of Artificial Intelligence in Blood Banking and Blood Transfusion Service.
  2. Blood Safety
    Scientific approach for donor selection. Rational and appropriate use of blood. Ethics in blood transfusion service. Legal issues in blood banking. Counselling of donors. Combating transfusion transmitted infections. Role of blood users and blood bankers. Reducing blood need. Quality assurance in blood transfusion service. 
  3. Haemovigilance
    Transfusion reactions – types, symptoms, causes, effects, complications, transfusion errors. Prevention and Management of transfusion errors and reactions vis-à-vis Haemovigilance. Donor haemovigilance, patient haemovigilance, monitoring, evaluation and reporting. Bio-vigilance. IEC & Campaign 
    Designing IEC materials. Campaign design. Modern communication techniques & approaches. Developing communication skill. Need of IEC materials in all languages. Sustaining awareness and augmenting motivation.
  4. Human Resource Development 
    Recruitment, training and development of volunteers and social workers. Involving the community. Encouraging voluntary organisations and organisation models.
  5. Exhibition 
    Exhibition of IEC materials from home and abroad at the venue of the Summit.


Invited experts and selected participants of the summit may present the theme of each session to be followed by general discussion to evolve strategies,
recommendations and plan of action to achieve the goal. There will be panel discussion, debate and invited talks also. Participants are to submit the abstract of their proposed presentation on or before November 15, 2024.

Time will be allotted by the Secretariat of the Meet on the basis of the content of the presentation and number of speakers in a particular session. LCD projector, Laptop computer will be available for presentation. The Secretariat reserves the right to accept or reject paper(s) as deemed fit. The full text of the selected papers shall be submitted to the Secretariat by December 31, 2024.


English will be the only language of this meet.


DATE: January 23, 24 & 25, 2025
VENUE: Digha, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India.


The participants or their organisations shall have to bear the travel expenses up to Digha. Digha is nearly 183 Km away from Kolkata and is connected by Rail and
Express Busses from Kolkata. All the participants will be guests of FVBDOWB from the January 23, 2025 to January 25, 2025. Modest board and lodging shall be the responsibilities of the organisers.


Federation of Voluntary Blood Donors Organisations West Bengal

C/O: Burnpur Social Welfare Committee Voluntary Blood Donors Station Road, Burnpur, Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal, India, PIN 713325

Phone & WhatsApp: 91 9433051029


Tamluk Voluntary Blood Donors Association
Bhimar Bazar, Tamluk, Purba Medinipur
PIN – 721636, West Bengal, India.


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